Artist Spotlight: Johnathan Litchtfeld

 jonathan lichtfeld

 jonathan lichtfeld

 jonathan lichtfeld

 jonathan lichtfeld

Johnathan Litchtfeld is an artist from Belgium. When I first came across his work, I was immediately drawn to the juxtaposition of his collages.

It reminds me of how dreams work. When you play stories and images in your head and somehow they all all mesh together, it all make sense, until you wake up.

But stepping into that reality opens up another dimension of thought. Sometimes you wake up and ask yourself, what did all of that mean? And sometimes you wake up and almost immediately forgot what you dreamed about.

His collages remind me of the dreams that have you waking up and pondering the images and stories you just existed within. Just like our dreams, and even our waking thoughts, the layers in his images can be loud or subtle, depending on how you look at them.