Silverton Colorado





During our drive through Colorado we noticed a small town below us in the distance. It was Silverton, a beautiful quaint historic mining town filled with colorful Victorian style buildings with the jaw-dropping Colorado backdrop. Could this be a real town?! I kept asking myself. It was picture perfect, like a made up town for a movie set in Universal Studios. Lucky for us, it was real, very real, the locals super friendly mountain folks and they know how to cook some hearty burgers!

Farewell Austin!

Farewell Austin

It’s really happening! I kept having to remind myself as Austin disappears in my rear view mirror and the open road ahead is about to be our new reality. To backtrack, me and Aaron loved Austin. We called it our playground because we filled our days with music festivals, amazing friends, and creative projects along with our full time gigs. Aaron was a web designer for a design house and I was an Account Executive for an Austin Magazine. What we had planned on as our “pit stop” to Austin became 3 years in Austin. After lots of daydreaming, and “what if we could quit our jobs and travel” talks, we decided to chase it. Long story short, we quit our jobs, sold all of our possessions, paid off credit cards, told everyone farewell, and even agreed to leave Gonzo for awhile.

So we’re riding the wave of a vaguely planned indefinite trip. The month of June to road trip across the US, and then flying off to Southeast Asia towards the Philippines, then to Palau Islands and the rest is all up in the air still. There’s been discussion on Thailand and Cambodia or Nepal and Tibet. Could be all of the above, if it’s meant to be. Right?